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 Sister Adella Johnson

Executive Administrative Assistant


   Associate Ministers

        Minister Carl Bowman    

     Minister Dereck Dean

         Minister Gregory Preston



Deacon’s Ministry

      Deacon Albert Childress  -  Chairman

Deacon Chris Harris  -  1st Vice Chairman

Deacon Meekaaeel Jones - 2nd Vice Chairman  

  Deacon Jerry Wrice

Deacon Richard Tillman

Deacon Maurice Jones 

Deacon Duane Prewitt



Trustee Ministry  

 Brother Jeff Miller - Chairman

  Sister Zandra Jones - Budget Manager

  Sister Diane Scroggins - Finance Manager

Deacon Albert Childress


Discipleship Ministry

Minister Carl Bowman


Security Ministry

Deacon Richard Tillman - Director

Brother Anthony Brown

Sister Brenda Freeman

 Sister Valerie Smith

Brother Sean Crawford


Pastoral Care

Sister Edwinna Russell



Mother’s Ministry

Sis. Marceline Lawson  - President   

  Sis. Marie Smith  - Vice President


Culinary Ministry

     Sis. Shelley Washington



Beautification Ministry

Sis. Linda Fleeks 



Sick & Shut- In Ministry

Sister Sheila Parks  



Hospitality Ministry

Sister Sherry Jones - President 

Sister Loneva Bowman - Vice President



Praise Dance/Mime Team Ministry




Multi-Media Ministry

Sister Adella Johnson - Director

Sister Patricia Baker - Asst. Director



Brotherhood Ministry

Deacon Albert Childress

Ushers Ministry

Sister Sherry Alexander - President 

Brother Richard Oliver - Vice-President



Music Ministry

Sister Omega Tillman

General Director



Evangelism Ministry

Minister Dereck Dean



Sunday School Ministry

Sister Alberta Fight  - Superintendent

Sister Gloria Milbrook -

Asst. Superintendent



Women's Ministry

Sister Carmelita Stevens



Scholarship Ministry

Sister Stella Mincey- President


Youth Ministry

Sister Adella Johnson - Director

Sister Omega Tillman



Youth Church

Sister Adella Johnson 


Prayer Band




 Womens Missionary Union

Sister Karen Oliver - President





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